Expert Guides

These are guides that focus on things people may or may not have forgotten about, and things that a more advanced player would like to read about, For example, things here will most likely be on, or about fighting in wars, and technical things for overall performance. Most or a lot of these will be from G.R.O.M.'s page as a lot or some of them do not need updating, if you have already read my blog info page than you would already know that this site is an attemt to update his page for the most part ( Some links will link to G.R.O.M.'s page until I have completed that particular guide).

 War Tactics:

  • Conquering Cities


Cites and army 



If you have any advice you would like to give, or any requests you would like to make, please feel free to post, or reply anywhere on the site, and I will get to it a.s.a.p.