The temple of Hera at Agrigentum, built when Empedocles was a young man, c. 470 BC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Tips to remember:
Tip #1: FOLLOW THE QUESTS. The early quests take very little time and lead you down an easy path to beyond 1000 points. If you have extra resources and room in your Senate queue, consider upgrading your Senate as it'll speed up later phases. Academy is another area to consider going ahead of the quests.
Tip #2: Attack the Bandits camp till you get enough BP to buy 4 farms, and upgrade them to level 3 or 4. These can all be done in just a few hours when following the quests, and just attacking the Bandits Camp whenever you can. The first four do not cost that much, the 5th one requires 50 BP, and typically takes a bit longer to get, the 6th one is best saved for later.
Tip #3: Pick a deity (Hera and Athena are good choices for starting out, and the Quests currently prefers Hera). There are little cost and a lot of benefits.
Tip #4: Use Daily Quests where practical. Early some quests are overly ambitious and you should ignore them, but at least take a look. Quests that give you offensive troops are very valuable at this phase, provided you have the farm spaces. Quests, where you lose loyalty, can be trouble if you get more than one a day (because at this point they are all in the same city), and ones, where you have to provoke an attack, are rarely worth it (though they are good for some early BP if you have the right units).
This is where I think you should all be after being in a world after no more than a 2 to 3 weeks (world speed 1). It corresponds to a 2000+ point city.
Early Building Priorities:
Senate to level 15 (prerequisite for many things and speeds all building)
Farm 25 (if you got Land Expansion, you can do this a little more slowly)
Academy 13
Warehouse 13 (permits you to store more resources)
Cave 5
Barracks 10
Harbor 10
Temple 5 (for Harpies if worshiping Hera)
Market 10 (so you can help others off island)
Wood/Stone/Silver 25
Wall 10
Put tripwires in all allied cities on your island (typically one sword or divine envoy)
Early Tech Priorities (in typical research order, not necessarily long-term importance):
Slingers (needed for quest and conquering the 2nd and 7th villages)
Villager's Loyalty
Booty (greatly improves your ability to farm the farming villages)
Ceramics (makes a large boost to your warehouse capacity)
City Guard (gives you 50% more Militia on defense, good if you get hit a lot)
Colony Ship
Maybe get/ Maybe not:
-both of these would speed up building production, I like to get them and then delete them after I have built all of my building, remember though each technology you delete removes a culture point from your cultural level progress)
Not Recommended Techs:
150 swords 150 slingers 100 archers 150 hoplites 40 horsemen and 10 transport boats
Also, you wanna start building up your biremes to around, or at least 50.
With these units, you want to send them to your alliance and pact members in need.
Also, try and save some space for your 1st colonyship, I would add a farm level or two if needed.
Found First City:
Now after you have built your first CS and have a good enough target anchor on a nearby island (avoid island without farms), send your CS to the anchor point and begin the prosses of founding your second city.
4000+ city:
Building Goals:
This step should take you through 4000+ points and have you in good shape for getting your next
Senate 15 (prereq for nothing but speeds up building)
Farm 35 (to accommodate your troops)
Academy 22 and on to 30
Warehouse 22 and then add more as you need
Cave 10
Barracks 10 (horses)
Harbor 20 (for Colony Ship)
Wood/Stone/Silver > 25-40 depending on how much you farm
Wall 25
English: Greek soliers of Greco-Persian Wars. Left - greek slinger. Right - hoplites. Left hoplite's shield has a curtain wich serves as a protection from arrows. Русский: Греческие воины времён греко-персидских войн (реконструкция). Слева - критский пращник. Справа - гоплиты, у левого щит снабжён особой занавеской, защищающей от стрел. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Offensive units:
Several ways to go with your Capital cities units. You can go Balanced, you can go all offensive or even mostly defensive. just remember to always send you CS with an escort of LS and if you are in a Conquest world you need to send birs as well (you can also send Triremes instead of both LS and Birs). It all depends on how safe you are in your area if you have lots of enemies, then either balanced or defensive, if not then offensive seems to make the most sense except for in conquest worlds, in this case, a balanced city is more recommended. Following are examples of different unit compositions.
Adjust squad sizes to following amounts of units:
1 Off squad unit and 2 Def. squads, then add 1 to either depending on what is needed the most
Offensive Units:
144 farm space off either hoplites or horsemen or whatever land units you want, I recommend going with one type (all ranged, all sharp, or all blunt)
5-6 transport ships (unless you are using a flying type unit if so you can re-appropriate these FS to another unit or 2), and 20 Light Ships
With offensive units you should just combine them all into one big unit I'm just doing this to unit thing to teach as it gives you an idea of how you don't need to send all units at once, yet you still can, and with offensive units it's best to but with defensive units its a good idea to split them up sometimes.
Defensive Units:
36 swords 36 archers 72 hoplites
5-6 transport boats and 25 Biremes
Now what you should do is use these units as support units for yourself and your alliance, send one
to each person in need until your out.
if you are going all offensive then you should go all out nuke (all slinger, hops, horsemen or harpies*), just remember to build some escort ships for your CS and also transport ships to carry your units (I would recommend just the slow transport as FTs won't help your CS go any faster).
Buildings not needing advancement at this time:
Marketplace (10)
Temple (5; sufficient if you worship Hera, others may want to increase it)
New Techs:
fast transports
Battering Ram
Not Recommended Techs:
Anything I did not put unless you wanna swap LS, and Biremes for Triremes, then I guess that's fine,
but your gonna have to waste culture points to reset the two to get the one.
Buy the 5th and 6th farms upgrading them to a decent level.
Extra Buildings:
You should now build up your Senate to 24, and your Farm to 40, and then build the Baths on the Left-hand side (you can build only 1 from each side in ea. city). then nothing on the right side for the farm space or tower for the defensive bonus, or if you are in a really safe area you could build the merchant shop, or something else.
After that you can now just make sure to max out the Farm, Warehouse, and Academy; then upgrade your Temple to say 22 or whatever to gain favor for Myth units.
Get experience mostly for now until you end up with Myth units or something, and maybe Strong wine to speed up the culture process.
You should now demolish anything that is not needed to gain more farm space, such as the Senate. You can knock it down to whatever you want, most people say around 15, or so. Build your resource buildings to accommodate your unit production: one 40, one 30, and one 20. Don't forget about the +/- your island has for production either. The next step is to pick one of my guides under builds tab and finish it up like one of those (remember to go with Conquest cpitol or Revolt Capitol depending on what type of world you are playing).
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