Friday, August 7, 2015


The Reliefs of Trajan's Column by Conrad Cicho...
The Reliefs of Trajan's Column by Conrad Cichorius. Plate number LVIII. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A tripwire is a small amount of troop that you send to support a city. If someone attacks the city, then you will receive notice about it being attacked.

Usually for a city on the same island, as your city, you send 1 swordsman as tripwire.

For cities on other islands, you can send a bireme or a transport ship with 1 swordsman. Note here is better to have 1 swordsman in the transport ship, because if the ship is empty, then it will die to light ship attacks. If there is a soldier inside, it will not die until the soldier dies, thus pure harbor attack won't kill it.

Advanced Tripwires:

The 3 unit trip: easy/more efficient

An "advanced tripwire", is when you send 3 troops to each city. Your troops are killed in proportion to the city owners troops:

1 troop killed approx 33% casualties no revolt

2 troops killed approx 66% casualties revolt possible but not probable send support

3 killed 100% casualties or they dodged and left your troops there send any support available asap.

The best (boat) trip: still easy/not as efficient/more accurate

The boat trip is where you send a single slow transport boat to trip an allied city. These work best because they do not die unless the city is cleared (all units have been destroyed).


Always trip you're nearby allied cities, and don't be a buddy F'er.

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