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an ancient greek ship (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
DLU: Defensive Land unit; usually swordsmen, archers, and hoplites
ALU (or OLU): Attack Land Units or Offensive Land Units, usually slingers, hoplites, horsemen, or whatever else is sent in an attack.
ONU: Offensive Naval unit, normaly LS, could be attcking Hydras, and Tireme
DNU: Defensive Navlal unit, usually Biremes, could be Hyras, Fireshiips, or Tiremes being used as support.
ABP: Attack Battle Points
DBP: Defensive Battle Points
"_______" nuke: this is a city which almost entirely has this one troop; for instance, a light ship nuke
has basically all light ships, so when they attack the enemy is basically overwhelmed
LS: Light Ship
BIR: Bireme
TIR: Tireme
"Hops": Hoplites
HM: Horsemen
SM: Swordsmen
TB: Transport Boat
FT: Fast Transport Ship
CS: Colony Ship
FS: Fire Ship
LTS: Long Term Support, used when the enemy has many cities neer by.
TT: Travel Time
Siege: When City A sends a colony ship to City B, the 24 hour period City A must hold City B is the siege
MRA: an Alliance that Recruits on a Massive scale/ Mass Recruit Alliance
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