Saturday, January 9, 2016

LS Nuke City

This guide will give an example for making LS nuke cities, this guide is only a suggestion, and can be modified to suit the many changes in the game. The point of LS nukes is to make a city with as many LS as possible to give you a better percent chance of breaking down BIR walls, and for clearing harbors, like with all units the more LS you have the better attack power each LS will have.

Like I said the more you have the better, and you want your city to work for you not against you when it comes to that main goal. this guide will show a good example of how to do just that by getting rid of, or keeping to a minimal all unnecessary uses of farm space, to allow for more farm spaces to be used solely for LS.

First Build:

100 Light Ships,  (and 50-100 slingers,  and/or 20-40 horsemen. for Quests and Farming other cities or whatever keep for at-least quest though)
50-75 Light Ships, 5-10 Hydra,

Also, if you like Myth units like me:
50-100 Light Ships, 0-10 Hydra, 50 slingers (for some quests), 5-10 Cyclops (for other quests/farming other cities)

Final Build:

Max out the Light Ships/Hydra from the previous example.




Battle Experience.
Strong Wine

Here is a screen shot of what I get usually with still 44 research points left:
I still need Battle Experience here so you know, I am about to get it soon so no worries. After that I will still have 36 points remaining for whatever, 




Other Building:

Senate 15,
Stone 20,
Silver 20,
Market 20,
Barracks 10,
Temple 22.

Special Buildings:

Baths, and whatever you need for the right side.


As a summary, this has plenty of units for completing quests, and like I said is a good example of how to create the maximum amount of Light Ships from your cities while still being able to produce enough resources and everything else you would need.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

if you have left over RP you can downgrade your academy and it will take away those RP's giving you more pop space to build units.